What are the eligibility conditions?
Family nucleus | You will need to qualify for the EC under one of these eligibility schemes:
Citizenship |
Age |
Income ceiling | Your household income must not exceed ^$16,000 income ceiling. |
Property ownership |
Eligibility Schemes
You and any other applicants and essential occupiers need to meet serveral eligibility conditions
You form a family nucleus with any of the following:
- Spouse, and children (if any)
- Parents, and siblings (if any)
- Children under your legal custody, care and control (if widowed/divorced#)
#If the care and control of your children under the age of 21 is shared with your ex-spouse, you must obtain his/her written agreement before you can list your children in a flat application.
You form a family nucleus with your spouse-to-be.
Submission of marriage certificate
Under this scheme, you need to submit a photocopy of your marriage certificate to the developer within 3 months* of collecting your keys to the EC unit.
*Applicable for Option To Purchase granted by property developer on or after 1 May 2018
You and your siblings (those applying) are orphans and single, i.e. unmarried, divorced, or widowed:
- All of the siblings that are single must be listed in the same application
- At least 1 of the deceased parents was a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident
You and up to 3 other co-applicants, and all of you are:
- Single (unmarried, divorced, or widowed)
- Singapore Citizens
- At least 35 years old
- Applying jointly as co-applicants
The CPF Housing Grant for singles is not available when buying an EC.
Income Ceiling:
Your average gross monthly household income must not exceed ^$16,000.
For your flat application, you and the other applicants and essential occupiers will need to get ready the following documents for our verification:
- 3 months’ payslips preceding the month of application, if employed full-time (not on commission-basis)
- 6 months’ of income documents preceding the month of application, for other types of employment
- Proof of unemployment, if not working
Aside from the above documents, we may also request other documents for verification if needed.
Income/ allowance that will be considered for income assessment
Allowances (fixed/ variable) received on a regular basis (e.g. allowances for food, transport, laundry, uniform, etc.)
Sustenance allowance
- Stipend
Income/ allowance that will not be considered for income assessment
Alimony allowance
Director’s fee
Income from ad hoc overtime work
Interest from deposit accounts
National Service Allowance
Rental income
Scholarship overseas allowance
Overseas cost of living allowance
- 3 months’ payslips preceding the month of application
- Letter from employer certifying salaries for 3 months preceding the month of application; the letter must contain the:
- Company stamp/ letterhead
- Certifying officer’s name, signature, and designation
Note: If your income includes allowances, we will require 6 months’ payslips preceding the month of application.
- Latest NOA from IRAS or Statement of Annual Accounts certified by an audit firm
- Valid Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Computer Information (Business Profile) or valid licence of trade
- Undertaking affirming the average gross monthly income for 6 months preceding the month of application
- 6 months’ payslips preceding the month of application
- Letter from employer certifying salaries for 6 months preceding the month of application; the letter must contain the:
- Company stamp/ letterhead
- Certifying officer’s name, signature, and designation
- 6 months’ commission statements/ payslips preceding the month of application
- Letter from employer certifying salaries for 6 months preceding the month of application; the letter must contain the:
- Company stamp/ letterhead
- Certifying officer’s name, signature, and designation
- Latest NOA from IRAS
- Letter from employer certifying salaries for 6 months preceding the month of application; the letter must contain the:
- Company stamp/ letterhead
- Certifying officer’s name, signature, and designation
- Undertaking affirming the unemployment status
- Valid Student Pass or letter from school/ college/ institute of learning to confirm student status, if currently a full-time student
- If unemployed for less than 3 months, the following documents are required:
- Income proof for the preceding month(s) from the previous employer stating gross monthly income and last day of service
- Latest 15 months’ CPF contribution history
First Timer or Second Timer:
A first-timmer applicant is a person or household that has never received any form of housing grant subsidy, or similar benefits; a second-timer applicant is a person or household that has. If you are a second-timer and your spouse /spouse-to-be is a first timer, you as a couple will enjoy first-timer privileges and priority.
First-timers enjoy privileges and priority in flat allocation.
Yours will be treated as a first-timer application if you and any of the other listed owners and essential occupiers meet the following criteria:
- Not the owner of a flat bought from HDB, or an EC/ DBSS flat bought from a developer
- Not sold a flat bought from HDB, or an EC/ DBSS flat bought from a developer
- Not received any CPF Housing Grant for the purchase of an HDB resale flat
- Not taken any form of housing subsidy (e.g. benefitted under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) or HUDC estate privatisation)
These are the CPF Housing Grants available for Executive Condominium (EC) purchases from developers:
- Family Grant
- Half-Housing Grant
You and any co-applicants must be eligible for the grant at the point of booking the EC.
Average gross monthly household income of all persons in application, i.e. applicants and occupiers
Family Grant
Half-Housing Grant
If you are a first-timer (FT) SC and your co-applicant is a second-timer (ST) who has previously taken 1 housing subsidy, i.e. FT/ ST couple
Singapore Citizen (SC/ SC) Household
SC/ Singapore Permanent Resident (SC/ SPR) Household
$10,000 or lower
$10,001 to $11,000
$11,001 to $12,000
$12,001 to $14,000
Check if you are a first-timer applicant
You will be considered a first-timer applicant if you have not received any housing subsidy from HDB, which means that you must not:
- Be the owner of a flat bought from HDB
- Have sold a flat bought from HDB
- Have taken the CPF Housing Grant to buy an EC, Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat or an HDB resale flat, or taken over ownership of such a flat or EC
- Have transferred the ownership of a flat bought directly from HDB, or an HDB resale flat bought with a CPF Housing Grant
- Have ever taken other forms of housing subsidy, such as Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme benefits or privatisation of HUDC estate
Citizen Top-Up (for SC/ SPR households)
You can apply for the Citizen Top-Up of $10,000 when a qualifying member of your SC/ SPR household obtains Singapore citizenship. You need to submit your application to HDB within 6 months of being eligible for it.
How to apply
You can apply for the CPF Housing Grant when booking your EC with the developer.
CPF Housing Grants are fully credited into the CPF Ordinary Accounts of eligible Singapore Citizen (SC) applicants. No cash is disbursed.
Type of Applicants
Distribution of Grant
Sole SC applicant
Full grant
Joint SC applicants (husband and wife)
Half of the full grant each
FT/ST couple
Full grant given to the SC FT, who must be a co-applicant
Multi-nuclei SC applicants, such as:
- Married siblings with their respective spouses
- Parents and married child
Grant given only to a maximum of 2 applicants who are husband and wife
The CPF Housing Grants can be used to:
- Offset the balance downpayment for the EC and subsequent payments towards the purchase price
- Reduce the mortgage loan for the EC
The grant cannot be used for the minimum cash downpayment (if any) and monthly mortgage instalment payments.
The grant will also be included in the computation of the CPF withdrawal limit.
Yours will be treated as a second-timer application if any of the following applies to you or any of the other listed owners and essential occupiers:
- Have owned or sold any of the following:
- HDB flat bought from HDB
- Resale flat bought using a CPF Housing Grant
- EC/ DBSS flat bought from the developer
- Once taken some form of housing subsidy (e.g. benefitted under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), HUDC estate privatisation)
- Have owned or sold any of the following:
If you previously bought a new flat from HDB, Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat or Executive Condominium (EC) from a developer, or received a CPF Housing Grant, find out if you need to pay a resale levy when you purchase your next home.
The resale levy maintains a fair allocation of public housing subsidies between first-timers and second-timers by reducing the subsidy enjoyed for the second HDB flat or EC.
This fixed resale levy amount gives greater certainty for financial planning, be it for upgrading to a larger flat, or right-sizing to a smaller flat.
First Subsidised Housing Type
Resale Levy Amount
Single Grant recipients
2-room flat
3-room flat
4-room flat
5-room flat
Executive flat
Executive Condominium
Not applicable
The resale levy payable is determined at the point you book your second subsidised flat. It applies regardless of ownership type (joint-tenancy or tenancy-in-common) or shared interest in the flat. Payment can only be made by way of your flat sale proceeds and/ or cash. HDB mortgage financing will not be extended to the payment of a resale levy.
When and how payment is made
Flat Sale Timeline
Resale Levy Payment
First subsidised flat was disposed of after taking possession of the second subsidised flat
- Resale levy deducted from the sale proceeds upon the sale of the first subsidised flat
- Any shortfall to be paid in cash
First subsidised flat was disposed of before taking possession of the second subsidised flat
- Resale levy paid in cash upon taking possession of the second subsidised flat